How The Doers Of Things Came To Be

In the summer of 2022, Mary Brett took a job at a mom-and-pop salmon smokehouse on the Alaskan island of Kodiak. Two weeks into the gig, 4,000 miles away from anyone she knew, MB got fired for being “overqualified.” A few kind strangers and much radical faith on her part later, she ended up with a weekly radio show on the public radio station 100.1fm KMXT. Mary Brett still produces that show every Wednesday from 12:30-1 pm AKST (3:30-4 pm CT), however, she used it to springboard into The Doers Of Things podcast.

At T.D.O.T., MB talks with Doers of all kinds in hopes of inspiring listeners to realize that WE ARE ALL CREATORS. The intention is to demystify the creative process and humanize the journey to show listeners that everybody started somewhere and just kept going. Kept DOING.

Mary Brett grew up singing John Prine songs at her daddy’s feet in the living room in Corpus Christi, Texas. She dabbled in church and school choir but didn’t learn how to play guitar until she took an unneeded elective at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas at the age of 20. She got her start writing as a competitive spoken word poet for SHSU. The skill set and passion for words transitioned into songwriting after she took a step back from the poetry team to focus on grad school. However, after finishing all her courses with a 4.0 and passing her comprehensive finals in 2011, she abandoned her thesis 2/3 of the way in to go after a life that spoke to her heart as a musician instead of a professor of history.

That path has led her to become a true Doer Of Things, such as running a team building ropes course program and eventually the whole camp for a Boy Scout summer camp; being an outdoor educator for 5th graders; a stagehand in stage production work for Taylor Swift, Rolling Stones, and corporations; a nude model for life drawing classes; a standardized patent actor helping train international doctors; home and office cleaner and organizer; house/pet/plant sitter; backstage hospitality decorator/caterer/lead; burlesque show producer and performer; karaoke host; bingo caller; and a slew of other odd jobs that keep the train on the tracks. She has hitchhiked in several states, busked on many a street corner, lived out of a backpack for a few years, met countless characters along the way, and has only scratched the surface of the things she is to do.

Since 2022 she has lived in a 1993 Ford e350 shuttle bus, fondly named Yonderlust, with her little dog Baylay. She embodies a powerful voice full of emotion and authenticity. Over the years she has been compared to Janis Joplin, Patty Griffin, as well as Stevie Nicks; as she makes those within earshot feel and think.

Mary Brett’s Story

To get the full scoop on The Doers Of Things genesis story as well as Mary Brett, head over to “WORDS”